Understanding the Nursing Complaint Review Process

Every licensed nurse is overseen by the Board of Nursing in his or her state. That board regulates the licenses, continuing education, and any complaints filed against the nurses in the state. If someone files a complaint against you with the nursing board, an investigation process will begin. Here's what you need to know about that process. Will You Be Notified? In most cases, when a complaint is filed against you, the nursing board will notify you before they launch their investigation. Read More 

Cosmetic Injections Restore Volume To Your Face For A More Youthful Appearance

Since your face is the most visible part of your body, it's one of the first to show signs of aging. As you get older, you tend to lose volume in your face and that can cause your face to look sunken in some areas and the skin to become slack and develops wrinkles. These changes happen gradually over time and they may bother or worry you at any age. While you may not be able to slow down the changes that come along with aging, you can fight them with dermal fillers. Read More 

3 Things You Can Do For Long-Term Recovery After Vascular Surgery

After you have a vascular surgery, it is important to take it easy right after the surgery and give your body time to heal. For the long-term though, you are going to make some changes to your life if you want to stay healthy over the long-term. #1 Cut the Smoking If you were smoking, you need to stop. This can be hard to do cold turkey for most people, so work with your doctor on a plan for you to stop. Read More 

Sleep Apnea 101

If you or a loved one snores, it could be more than just annoying; it could be sleep apnea. This is a medical condition that can literally stop people from breathing dozens of times each night. In fact, when combined with other medical conditions, it can even be fatal. Here's what you need to know about sleep apnea and more importantly, your treatment options. What Causes Sleep Apnea? There are three different types of sleep apnea. Read More 

Applying for Permanent Green Card Status? What You Need to Know About Your Immigration Medical Exam

If you're applying for permanent green card status, you'll need to submit a medical exam to immigration. This exam will help officials determine if you meet the medical requirements for receiving permanent status in the United States. While these exams are similar to other exams you might have received, there are some differences that you'll need to be aware of. Here are four tips that will help you avoid complications with your immigration medical exam. Read More