Relaxing And Rehabilitating: 3 Health-Conscious Treatments You Should Include In Your Home Spa

When you hear the word "spa," your first thought might be of expensive, luxurious weekends away filled with pampering – but as the health benefits of spa and spa-like treatments for physical rehabilitation have become more and more clear, having a little spa right within your home has become more and more rational (and, with technology's advances, more affordable for the layman). But how do you know which treatments to opt for in the limited space you've got? Read More 

Four Alternate Treatment Options For IBS

IBS is a debilitating condition. If you're having trouble getting your symptoms under control using traditional methods, consider adding some of these to your treatment routine. Therapy The pain caused by IBS and the lifestyle changes that result can be extremely stressful. And stress is a trigger for IBS symptoms. So how do you stop yourself from stressing out and making your symptoms worse? Some patients have found that therapy is useful when fighting against IBS. Read More 

How To Prevent Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be uncomfortable, annoying, and miserable, and there are many women who experience chronic UTIs. If you are tired of getting these infections and want to put a stop to them, you may have to take some extra steps to prevent them from occurring. While it might be impossible to prevent them completely, you might be able to reduce the number of UTIs you experience by following these steps. Read More 

3 Things You Need To Know About Acne Agminata

While acne is often thought of as a single condition, there are actually many different types of acne. A severe type of acne is acne agminata, also known as lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei. Here are three things you need to know about acne agminata. What are the signs of acne agminata? Acne agminata usually appears within the eyebrows, but other areas of the face, like the cheeks or temples, may also be affected. Read More 

Treating Neck Arthritis

Neck arthritis is a common complaint of Americans, particularly as they age. Wear and tear in the neck are widespread and can often be quite painful. In fact, neck pain is the third most common pain complaint among Americans and much of it can be attributed to arthritis. Although this condition cannot be cured, you can take steps to control the pain and stiffness. Medication Obviously, living with a stiff and painful neck makes it difficult to do many daily activities. Read More