Artificial disc replacement surgery is a revolutionary procedure that offers hope to individuals suffering from chronic back pain caused by damaged spinal discs. While surgery is a step towards relief, the road to full recovery and rehabilitation requires careful attention and adherence to a comprehensive post-operative plan. Here's what to expect during the recovery and rehabilitation process after artificial disc replacement surgery.
Hospital Stay and Immediate Post-Operative Period:
Following artificial disc replacement surgery, patients typically spend a few days in the hospital for close monitoring and initial recovery.
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If you have a substance addiction, it may seem like things will never better. However, it is possible to treat addiction if you are willing to put the work in. Although you may have a tough road ahead, you can get better and live a happy life again.
Here are a few tips to succeed with addiction treatment.
Live in a Supportive and Safe Environment
If you are in recovery for addiction, it is essential to reside somewhere safe and supportive.
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As you age, getting the best senior wellness care will help you maintain an active, fulfilling lifestyle. By following these tips, you can embrace aging gracefully and make the most of your senior years.
Choose the Right Primary Care Physician
Finding a primary care physician specializing in geriatric medicine is crucial to your wellness journey. Developing a solid relationship with your doctor will help ensure they are familiar with your medical history and can provide personalized care.
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When you suffer from aches, pains, and limited movement, you may find everyday routines to be more than you can endure. You might also find yourself using pain medications more than you care to and missing out on activities you once enjoyed.
Even so, you may want to minimize or eliminate the need to go through surgery to feel better. You also may want to lessen your reliance on pain medicines.
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Echocardiography is an ultrasound examination of your heart. You've probably seen ultrasound examinations done on pregnant women that show the growing fetus inside the uterus. The picture isn't always easy to make out, but a picture of a baby is made through the use of sound waves.
A similar process is done with echocardiography, but the picture is of your heart instead. A cardiologist can examine the picture and learn a lot about your heart.
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