Utilizing Chiropractic Neurology Treatments

Chiropractic neurology is an effective treatment option depending on your particular health needs. This approach is an alternative or complementary therapy to a patient's primary care, but it is also a form of preventative health care.   Chiropractic Neurology Can Treat Pinched And Damaged Nerves Chiropractic neurology can help with pinched and damaged nerves through a combination of treatments. A chiropractic adjustment can be one of the first steps to improve joint and spinal alignment. Read More 

Are Nosebleeds A Sign Of COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a common condition that can cause a number of symptoms, including coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or a sore throat. However, some individuals might experience nosebleeds that are more severe than normal. While scientists have not definitively linked COVID-19 to nosebleeds, it is important to recognize the signs and take precautions. Here are five clues that your nosebleed may be a symptom of COVID-19, which you can verify by taking a COVID-19 test. Read More 

What Happens During Special Surgery Rehab?

If your doctor has told you that you'll enter a hospital for special surgery rehab after your procedure, you may have questions about what will happen there. What will rehabilitation look like?  You might have a lot on your plate, and that means you need to understand what you'll be doing during rehab. These are some of the activities you may participate in. You'll Build Strength With Exercises A physical therapist will work with you to build strength in the area of your surgery. Read More 

3 Situations When Abortion By Medication Might Not Be An Option

Deciding when to become a parent is a personal decision that shouldn't be made lightly. For some people, termination of pregnancy is the best option if they feel they're not ready to become a parent. Abortion by medication is usually the preferred method as it's less invasive and has a quicker recovery time. However, there are some situations when abortion by medication might not be an option. Read on to learn more. Read More 

Do You Have To Get Surgery For Varicose Veins?

If you've noticed varicose veins, you may wonder whether surgery is the only way to get rid of them. While some people opt for surgery, it's not always necessary. In many cases, varicose veins can be treated with conservative measures such as compression stockings and lifestyle changes. If you've been diagnosed with varicose veins, surgery might be a good idea. In other situations, it's unnecessary. Here's when surgery might be the best option. Read More