Technology Options For Your Hearing Aid
If you are someone who is experiencing a hearing problem, then it may be time to start looking at your hearing aid options. If you also are interested in technology, then there are a few different options you should be looking at when it comes to the aids.
Bluetooth Connectivity
If you have a smartphone, then you have Bluetooth capabilities that allow you to connect to your indoor stereo system as well as your vehicle audio controls. And, you can also connect to your hearing aids if you purchase a product that has these capabilities. When this feature is activated, you can actually stream audio from your cellphone through your hearing aid. So phone calls can be heard through the aid without you having to hold it up to your ear.
The same technology can allow you to connect to your television if you have a smart TV, and you can hear the audio from your computer as well. Different apps and programs will expand the ability of your hearing aid, so speak with your audiologist about the various options available to you. You can also search the app store on your phone to find different hearing aid and hearing-impaired options.
When it comes to the Bluetooth device, you want to make sure that the hearing aid has something called a T-coil. This a special coil or type of wiring that will essentially turn off the microphone part of the hearing aid. The audio can then be heard directly from the source, whether it is from your TV or your cell phone, so you can enjoy the audio completely uninterrupted.
Rechargeable Batteries
While it may not seem like a technological feature, the fact that hearing aids have advanced to be able to utilize rechargeable batteries is actually a pretty amazing advancement. The traditional aids use the small button type of batteries and these must be changed out once every one to three weeks. This can be quite expensive and it leads to some fairly substantial waste.
Rechargeable batteries help to reduce waste and they also can be much more convenient, especially if you do not want to carry extra batteries around with you. The rechargeable options include NiMH, silver-zinc, and lithium-ion batteries, much like the ones that are held in your cell phone. And like your cell phone, the hearing aids can be plugged in at night with the assistance of an electrical cord with a USB adapter on the end. This adapter must be plugged in to an outlet adapter that is specifically made for your type of hearing aid.
Contact a company like Audiology Consultants, P.C. in order to learn more.