3 Situations When Abortion By Medication Might Not Be An Option

Deciding when to become a parent is a personal decision that shouldn't be made lightly. For some people, termination of pregnancy is the best option if they feel they're not ready to become a parent. Abortion by medication is usually the preferred method as it's less invasive and has a quicker recovery time.

However, there are some situations when abortion by medication might not be an option. Read on to learn more.

If the Pregnancy Is too Far Along

Abortion by medication is only effective up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. If someone is further along than that, they'll need to opt for a surgical abortion instead. This is because abortion pills work by blocking progesterone, which is necessary for the pregnancy to continue.

The pills come in two doses, and the second dose is taken 48 hours after the first. But the exact dosage and timing can vary depending on the brand of abortion pill being used.

It's important to note that abortion by medication is not always 100 percent effective. In some cases, the pregnancy may continue despite someone taking the abortion pills. If this happens, a surgical abortion will be necessary to terminate the pregnancy.

If There's an Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition that occurs when an embryo implants itself outside the uterus. The implantation mostly occurs in the fallopian tubes.

Ectopic pregnancies cannot continue to full term and can be life-threatening for the mother if left untreated. If someone has an ectopic pregnancy, they'll need to have surgery to remove the embryo. This is usually done through a small incision in the abdomen or by laparoscopy.

Pills are not an effective option for someone with an ectopic pregnancy because they need to be taken early on in the pregnancy before the embryo implants itself outside of the uterus. Usually, by the time someone realizes they have an ectopic pregnancy, it's too late for abortion by medication to be an option.

If You Have Certain Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions can make abortion by medication unsafe. These include conditions that affect blood clotting. You'll need to talk to your doctor to explore other abortion options if you have any underlying conditions.

Additionally, if you're taking any medication that affects blood clotting, abortion by medication might not be an option for you. This is because the abortion pill can interact with these medications and cause serious side effects.

Some examples of medications that affect blood clotting include:

  • Aspirin
  • Warfarin (Coumadin)
  • Heparin

If you're taking any of these medications, be sure to talk to your doctor before considering abortion by medication. 

Contact your doctor for more information about abortion by medication
