Are Nosebleeds A Sign Of COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a common condition that can cause a number of symptoms, including coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or a sore throat. However, some individuals might experience nosebleeds that are more severe than normal. While scientists have not definitively linked COVID-19 to nosebleeds, it is important to recognize the signs and take precautions. Here are five clues that your nosebleed may be a symptom of COVID-19, which you can verify by taking a COVID-19 test.
1) You Have Been More Tired Than Usual Lately
If you find yourself feeling more worn out and exhausted than usual, it could be a sign that your body is fighting off an infection. It may also mean that your nosebleed is associated with COVID-19.
However, anemia can also cause fatigue in some individuals. If you are bleeding heavily or frequently from your nose, you may be losing too much blood. This can make you exhausted, even if you don't have COVID. Schedule a test for COVID-19 as soon as possible, and also ask your doctor to check your iron levels to rule out anemia.
2) Your Nose Has Been Stuffy or Blocked for Days
A stuffy or blocked nose could indicate the presence of a virus, such as COVID-19. If you're experiencing these symptoms along with nosebleeds, talk to your doctor. It's possible your nose is bleeding from blowing it too often, but it's best to let a medical professional decide.
3) You Have Experienced Other Symptoms Associated With COVID-19
If you have been experiencing other signs and symptoms of COVID-19—such as a dry cough, headache, fever, or chills—and now you have started to experience nosebleeds, the two could be related. Consult your doctor and book a COVID-19 test to check for the virus.
4) You Have Been Around Someone Who is Ill
If you have recently been in contact with someone who is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, you should be tested for the virus as soon as possible. Even if your nosebleeds aren't directly caused by the virus, being in such close proximity to an infected individual can put you at risk of contracting the disease.
5) You Have Traveled Recently
If you have been traveling, you could have been exposed to the virus without knowing it. Airports and airplanes can be breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses, so if you have flown recently and started bleeding from your nose, it could be a sign of COVID-19. Consider getting a COVID test to rule out the possibility.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to seek medical advice and get tested for COVID-19. By doing so, you can determine the cause of your nosebleeds and take steps to protect yourself and those around you. Contact a local clinic to learn more about getting a COVID-19 test.