Three Signs Of Prostate Cancer

It is estimated that one in seven men will develop prostate cancer at some point in their lifetime. And the difference between beating the cancer or succumbing to it is early detection. While many men are aware of the common symptoms of prostate cancer, such as an enlarged prostate, pain when urinating, or loss of bladder control, many men don't know some of the other symptoms associated with this type of cancer. Read More 

Get A Speech Therapy Evaluation If Your Toddler Is Not Talking Fast Enough

Each time you bring your child to the doctor for a well visit, the doctor will ask you how many words your child says. By the time your child is two years old, he or she should be saying around 50 words. If your child is only saying a couple words by this age, the doctor may recommend having the child evaluated by a speech therapist. Here is what you should expect from an initial consultation with a speech therapist. Read More 

Getting Your Life Back On Track: 3 Weight Loss Tips For The Mornings

Did you know that most Americans are unhappy with their weight? The numbers come close to 89 percent for women. If you're among those statistics, it's time to get your life back on track with professional help from a weight loss clinic. The way you start your day is particularly important in helping you to achieve your goals. Implement the following 3 weight loss tips in the mornings to shed those pounds off. Read More 

How Physical Therapy Can Help Ease Neck Pain

Neck pain can stem from various causes, including whiplash or other trauma to the neck, disc problems, arthritis in the neck, poor sitting posture, or flexing your head forward for extended periods of time ("text neck"). Whether you feel pain at the back or side of your neck, in your shoulder, or radiating down your arm, your doctor may refer you to physical therapy for treatment if the pain worsens, persists, or is accompanied by other symptoms. Read More 

Top 4 Mistakes To Avoid When Shopping For A Stair Lift

If you or a loved one has trouble navigating stairs in your home due to medical problems, then it may be time to consider installing a stair lift. A stair lift provides you with a safe and convenient trip up and down stairs while you sit back and relax. As you shop for a stair lift, however, there are some important mistakes you'll want to avoid. Failure to Consider Future Needs Read More