2 Tips For Setting Up An Appointment For Your Baby’s Routine Well-Child Visit

After having a baby, you probably already know the importance of taking your new child to their regular pediatrician appointments. However, you may be concerned about how to optimally time these visits. If so, use the following tips when you call and set up an appointment for your baby's routine well-child visit. Check Your Own Schedule First The first thing you want to do before you pick up the phone to make the appointment is to check your own schedule. Read More 

Helping Grieving Guests When Hosting A Funeral

If you recently had a family member pass away, and you are in the process of planning a funeral to honor the life they lived, it is likely you will be thinking about your guests during this process. Making sure guests are provided with a caring atmosphere and comforts to help them deal with the situation at hand is important. Here are some tips you can use to aid in keeping your guests calm when attending the funeral for your loved one. Read More 

Spinal Fracture Myths And Misconceptions

Back injuries can be a very disruptive problem for a person to experience. Unfortunately, while this is a serious problem to have, people are often poorly informed patients when it concerns these injuries. In particular, spinal fractures can be a serious problem that will require patients to be accurately informed to avoid potentially serious complications. Myth: A Broken Back Will Always Mean You Become Paralyzed There is a common misconception that a broken back will always result in a person instantly becoming paralyzed. Read More 

4 Ways Follicle Stimulating Hormone Tests Are Used

Follicle stimulating hormones are typically produced by the pituitary gland to serve reproductive functions. For women, the hormones help to regulate the menstrual cycle and production of eggs. For men, follicle stimulating hormones control sperm production at a constant rate. When a couple has problems with infertility, a specialist will want to measure the amounts of hormones each partner is producing to determine if everything is functioning properly. 1. Testing can help determine the cause of infertility. Read More 

Can Physical Therapy Help Autoimmune Disorders? Your Questions Answered

There are a lot of autoimmune and musculoskeletal disorders which make it difficult for people to move. The irony is that moving helps make these disorders less painful. So, how does one move more and hurt less? Can physical therapy help people with these disorders? These questions, and more, are answered below. Will I Not Hurt More the Next Day If I Move More? There is some concern that moving more (when you have an autoimmune or musculoskeletal disorder) may cause more pain the next day. Read More