Congenital Heart Defects: What Parents Need To Know

Being diagnosed with a heart problem can be scary, but it can be even more devastating when your child is born with a heart condition. A congenital heart defect is one that is present at your child's birth. It is important for parents to understand what these defects may or may not mean and how to deal with the diagnosis. Symptoms Congenital Heart Defects A heart murmur is often the first sign of a heart defect in children. Read More 

3 Health Benefits From Getting A Massage

Getting a massage is wonderful for many reasons. Some people even choose to get them weekly because of the many benefits. Whether you are getting a massage regularly, or only for special occasions, you can expect some great results. Here are some of the health benefits from getting a massage. 1. Improved Lymphatic Functioning One of the best benefits to getting a massage is that it boosts your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is the part of your body that helps to circulate fluid throughout the body. Read More 

Plants To Avoid If Your Child Is Allergy-Prone

Allergies are never fun--especially for children who love to play and tumble outdoors in the summer. Sensitivity to pollen can be a huge obstacle to summer fun if you're allergic. If your child suffers from allergies that seem seasonal in nature, visit a pediatric allergist early on to help you get a handle on what you should and shouldn't be planting in your backyard. Not all plants are created equal--some should just plain be avoided altogether if your child has a tendency toward sensitivity. Read More